April 23, Turkey – Feast of National Sovereignty and Children Festival
Many probably know that the 23 of April is official children holiday in Turkey (Cocuk Bayrami). It is an official holiday on which all public authorities are closed.
But Children’s Day is only the short name. Actually, it is the National Sovereignty Day and Day of the Child (23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Cocuk Bayram?).
On April 23, 1920 the first parliament was founded – the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi). This laid the foundation of the national liberation movement and the abolition of the rule of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Since 1921, April 23 is a national holiday called “National Day” (23 Nisan Milli Bayram).
Children’s Day is celebrated since 23 April 1927, on the initiative and with the support of the first president of the young Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Since 1981, that day brings officially celebrations so as: in Ankara – at the mausoleum of the founder of the Turkish Republic and in other cities – at all Atatürk monuments. In the stadia sports competitions of students are held and schools are preparing celebrations and small performances.