Antalya tourists are smiling

The Cologne / Bonn airport with 130 destinations in 39 countries, is one of the largest airports in Germany. Mr. Özöztürk believes that it is important for the airlines to know the most popular destinations of their customers and to experience them by themselves. Therefore, the company organized in the last year a trip to Italy. This year they have chosen to visit Antalya . The second most common destination that is served by the airport Cologne / Bonn is Antalya and it follows directly Mallorca, which is the most popular destination.
During the summer season, flights to Antalya are going every day, every year the airlines bring about 350-400000 vacationers from Cologne / Bonn to Antalya. Also, the quality of service at the airport in Antalya is outstanding. While there are repeatedly negative points in Greece or Spain, Antalya can provide a uniformly good quality. For an airport, it is not always easy to obtain this quality upright. Antalya stands out and guarantees millions of passengers every year a comfortable trip without problems and that only in the summer months. This is of course very important for the guests who arrive from Germany. You can just return home with a smile if you had a relaxed holiday.